Apr 12Liked by The Besties

Hey Besties I just wanted to mention how crazy of a release month April has been/continues to be for indie games, big updates, and big mods: Inkbound hit 1.0 this week and has devoured myself and all my roguelite friends (it's the new game from the Monster Train devs and is basically a turn based ARPG. It's fantastic), Noita just got its first huge update in three years, The Planet Crafter hit 1.0 (a fantastic survival craft game with no combat about terra forming a planet), System Shock remake got its big 1.2 update and the console release is next month, Rimworld just got the huge 1.5 update and Anomaly expansion, Botany Manor is crushing it, Nexus 5X comes out in a week (an excellent hour-long 4X game from Paradox), Fallout: London comes out in about a week, Dwarf Fortress Adventure Mode releases in beta next week, the list goes on.

It has been a truly insane month for releases and I am feasting

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Apr 12Liked by The Besties

Great episode! Everyone needs to check out Dorfromantik as the perfect rainy day and vibes game. A tile laying cozy puzzle game.

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Apr 12Liked by The Besties

Hey guys! Wanted to see if you all had any recommendations for board games and the like - my girlfriend and I have been playing Gloomhaven Jaws of the Lion and Emerge lately, Emerge particularly stands out as a game that I love and is great for two players, recommend it to anyone curious. Love what you all do! (PS; can we get Kirk Hamilton on as a guest episode so him and Griffin can talk about video game music for hours? Dream collaboration.)

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Aaaaaah, I’m a voice actor in Harold Halibut. So glad it’s on your radar.

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Apr 12Liked by The Besties

looks like mushihimesama is in the apple app store as “Bug Princess LITE” but it hasn’t been updated and is blocked from new downloads. Anyone know which of the cave co games that are available might be a similar good time?

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If you don’t have Apple Arcade or money, this looks like it’s the free-est version of the same thing


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Apr 12·edited Apr 12Liked by The Besties

I'll be honest, I'm extremely disappointed in Infinite Wealth. It's so much longer and drawn out and for SOO little payoff. Ichiban's relationship with his mother feels like it falls somewhat flat save for one scene (everyone in here probably knows the one), both villains are EXCEEDINGLY uninteresting (especially the one you fight with Kiryu's party, who SHOULD'VE been Kume from the last game because he has a more direct and powerful relationship with Ichiban that would've meant something for the themes of forgiveness that permeate the game, and is instead some last minute bullshit that fails to be meaningfully connective in anyway), and all the party members from the last JRPG Yakuza feel like they're just kind of there because they have to be. Their arcs feels limp wristed and meaningless because they are so disconnected from the actual events of the story. And EVERYTHING about Saeko and Ichiban's relationship fails spectacularly for me. I can KIND of buy that Ichiban would do what he does at the beginning of the game, but the way they resolve their relationship at the end of the game, just so that Ichiban can be in an eternal will they wont they so he can keep getting kisses from other girls in the next game like he can in this one is weird and gross.

On top of all of that, the Daidoji just feel kinda toothless? They were presented as the shadow government in 6, and Gaiden was supposed to show the manner in which Kiryu is restricted, but they fail so immensely in having ANY kind of presence in this one that their purpose feels meaningless. I like all the Kiryu closure we get in this game, but man I just really hate alot of the Ichiban stuff in this one. I mean for fucks sake, Bryce's whole plan is really obvious untenable and stupid, the final boss ADMITS THIS, and then justifies it as an act of immense cruelty that wouldve made more sense on FUCKING KUME. I'm really trying not to spoil so much here (even though its on the spoilercast episode but whatever), but I was so disappointed that I'm scared for Yakuza/Like a Dragon 9, cause it feels like its running out of steam FAST.

Thinking about it more, I wanna end this by saying I still like Infinite Wealth enough. All the side stuff is as wacky and fun as I like Yakuza to be, and I've played ALL of them, and have 100%d more than a few. I LOVE Yakuza. I just feel that the main storyline here falls pretty flat after a MASTERFUL story presented in 7, where everything held neatly together and made a lot of cool choices that I don't feel were followed up on here. That combined with gameplay that didn't feel like it got pushed forward very much (very few new jobs, very few new ways to interact with skills, the Dondoko special move being THE SAME MOVE FROM 7 BUT WITH THE DONDOKO CHARACTERS IN THE BACKGROUND FOR 2 SECONDS, the segway not allowing you to aloha link people or pick up items making it completely worthless) just made the game feel lesser despite being SO much bigger.

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Apr 12Liked by The Besties

Along the lines of YMBAB, I would like to share my favorite rainy day/airplane meditation game. Duet by Kumobius is one of the best flow state games I have ever played and ever since I've found it I've played it on every flight. It's great for putting on headphones and zoning totally in

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Apr 12Liked by The Besties

So many times I've heard the Besties talk about YMBAB and I always took one look at the pictures on the store page and bounced right off. I'm here today to eat my words - it's great, people should definitely pick it up.

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Apr 12Liked by The Besties

Hey! I live close to the Milton Flea Market and I’m a Patreon member, I’ll take Justin up on that offer! Seriously though, it does suck that the only option for a gaming store around here is GameStop. Do people still have independent game stores in their area?

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Y'all need to check out a game called Minishoot' Adventures. Kind of a dumb name for a game, but it is a wild mashup of a Zelda game and a twin stick shmup. If this exact game had a Zelda/Metroid skin over it, it would be an incredible hit. Meanwhile I don't think it is getting much publicity. You have to check this out, great on steam deck

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I was a tad surprised to hear Justin say he doesn’t really have many nostalgia games. I remember him mentioning in passing in an (old) adventure zone episode that he had just got Knights of the Old Republic on iPad - this led me to downloading it on my own iPad and reliving one of my favourite childhood games a few years ago and I’m planning another replay soon. Keep up the great work Besties

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Oh boy Plante the Steam Algorithm saved me and I have arcade sports games. Tape to Tape and Goons: Legends and Mayhem are awesome arcade hockey games. Tape to Tape is an NHL 94 looking rogue like hockey game. Haven't gotten Goons yet but the reviews are awesome and it looks KILLER

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I love that Justin has brought up Humongous Games twice now! Putt Putt and Fatty Bear were my constant companions as a kid and perhaps well past the appropriate age.

I would love some more point and click recommendations if Justin has any more he’s played from the past few years.

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I wholeheartedly agree with Justin regarding the end of Infinite Wealth.

Spoilers below...

Kiryu's ending was such a cop out. He's so sick that at multiple points during the game he's coughing up blood, the game gives a literal bucket list to complete, and so much of the game is dedicated to Kiryu's facing his past (and from someone who's played all previous mainline games, I teared up at a few of them). Even though while playing I was 50/50 on whether they would actually kill him off at the end, it still felt cheap.

I do give them credit for at least making him look quite gaunt and sickly for that final shot though.

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Hey, Besties! Loved the discussion on this week's episode, and Griffin's point about games with a social or multiplayer component made me realize that, weirdly, one of my favorite rainy-day genres is fighting games -- specifically, playing with IRL friends. I know it's a genre that can be hard to break into, and I need to be in a particular mood to want to go into online matchmaking or try to climb a ranked ladder, but any time I can hop on a voice call with some friends and just run sets in Guilty Gear or KoF, I can feel my mood improve almost instantly. Would be curious to hear if any of you have similar games where they become more or less cozy based on how you engage with them or who you're playing with. Thanks as always!

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Nothing to do with this episode, but I’ve been playing Tunic for the first time and it’s amazing! Just a PSA for anyone else who slept on it. It’s a great adventure puzzle game with a fantastic soundtrack.

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