Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by The Besties

So I did the Elden Ring name generator. I think I won.

Dork, Ring-bearer of Lake Poopy

(I can submit photo evidence if need be)

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Nobody cares

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Wow, you’re rather rude. Don’t like when other people have fun, I see. I’m very sorry to hear that. I hope your life isn’t as sad as it appears when you comment that you don’t care. If you truly didn’t care, I’d think you wouldn’t comment at all.

I hope your day goes better than it obviously has been so far!

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I got "Gordo, the Rueful Squishy Giraffe" and I think that's appropriate here.

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Jun 29Liked by The Besties

Such a shame that, when talking about the future of FromSoft, no one pointed out the obvious answer.


If Bloodborne can get a retro Mario Kart game, so should Sekiro.

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Jun 28Liked by The Besties

Got halfway through the “Here” trailer and thought “This feels like a friendlier ‘A Ghost Story’.”

The very next shot was a child walking around the living room wearing the ghost costume sheet with holes. I have to assume that’s a direct nod

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I work at an escape room and there is a part where they need to unscrew a bolt. The amount of times a day we have to say righty tighty lefty loosey will frankly be adding up and you will be bankrupting the business very fast

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Russ’s game opinions are correct and right and good. I will not elaborate.

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Hey besties.

I am a huge fan of the dlc, and in my opinion it’s pretty much perfect. A lot of that love definitely came from me enjoying the build crafting aspect of the game. The bosses are very difficult, but also really fun to try again and again. I find the exploration really cool, and love wandering around to find random cool stuff. I definitely see some of you qualms with the scadutree fragments, and I do feel that From could have done it a bit more elegantly. My main big part that I’m enjoying about this is just having late game big open areas. The late game of ER was mostly dungeons, things that I think are the lower points of these games. DLC will probably be my GOTY, and I think I’m having an even bettter time than the base game with this.

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I think the main issue with Shadow of the Erdtree is that there are a lot of random enemies that one shots you, so the frustration level just tip you over to "well, this is annoying." It's really not "that hard", but a lot of times I can't even experience the difficulty because I cant even meaningfully engage the combat.

Like I'm also playing Nine Sols at the same time, which is the Metroidvania meets Sekiro combat game that came out recently, and it's also hard as balls for me. However, It's at least paced in a way that I can handle so that it feels like it's my fault when I die. (BTW, highly recommend Nine Sols, one of the best metoridvania games I've played since Hollow Knight)

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Very much +1 to something Justin said: it's just not fun when the path to get important stuff is so esoteric. The second time I quit the base game was after I followed a guide online to get the best early game staff and it was EXTREMELY convoluted. Like there's no way in a million years I would've found it on my own. But fine, it's not as fun to shirk exploring and follow a guide but I'd be willing to do it for gear that would make the game more fun for me to play. But I rage quit when it turned out that the damn staff was weaker than my moderately upgraded starter staff. Like Russ, I like to explore every inch of games that are so beautiful and dense like this... but because the enemies are so hard in this game I was constantly being punished for doing that so I was scared to do anything that wasn't strictly "necessary".

I've been trying the base game for a third time recently, and I'm really enjoying it. Why? Because I installed an invincibility mod. I don't give a shit about learning patterns and struggling until I overcome a major challenge. Rather than feeling joy, I just feel relief when its over and I don't look forward to doing it again. But when enemies (and falls) can't hurt me at all, I _love_ exploring in this game. I can really appreciate the world/level design and the amazing art direction. I still have a long way to go to complete the base game I think, but if the mod still works in the DLC I think I'd enjoy that just as much.

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Hey y'all!

To echo, I would love to see FromSoft do something that is co-op all the way through. Seeing FromSoft tackle an IP like Star Wars would be amazing but I'm not holding my breath.

I think the criticisms about the DLC are fair but for me, it seems like a lot of people went in expecting to see new things but not have to drastically reengage with the game the same way you had to on a first play-through. I've loved having to re-learn the game but completely understand others who weren't looking for that type of time investment.

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Elden ring was my first fromsoft game. I looked up absolutely everything i didn’t know as i played, and i used the big laser on the last 5 bosses. Had an excellent time. However (!) I did a totally blind Russ-esque playthrough of the dark souls games in preparation for this dlc, and this is now my preferred way to play (at least for fromsoft games, i don’t give this love to every studio). Based on how lost i was my first time through elden ring, i was expecting a similar experience. But by writing down what NPC’s said and fully exploring the map, i was shocked that i kinda knew exactly what to do the whole time? And when i finished the DLC and allowed myself to look things up, i was a little bummed to discover i didn’t miss much of anything. It was so beautiful to play at launch and have messages and ghosts of other players help fill in the gaps in my notes or help me grab a useful item.

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Just heard the Laika studios is adapting Piranesi into a movie, can’t wait. Also, shadow of the erdtree kicks ass besides the final boss.

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I was out the minute Russ completely dismissed the entire difficulty discourse by announcing he had no trouble.

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This was by far the most Frushtrating episode. Plante deserves an award for his cold open roast on the latest episode (Luigi Mansion 2).

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Brandon Sanderson has said that there has been discussion with FromSoft and that they are both open to working together in the future on a project, like George R. R. Martin did with Elden Ring. For those who have read Sanderson's works, does this possibility excite you? Or are there other storytellers you would like to see collaborate with FromSoft in the future?

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

It is entirely possible that someone has already mentioned it, but Justin's dream of an AI that can inform you when your build is ass may be becoming a reality. I just stumbled onto Nvidia's Project G Assist, which appears to have the capability to do just that. Frankly the decision paralysis of getting a build together or even choosing one is my own personal hell so I'm hopeful.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Wait can someone share the reveal of the origins of the Pot People from the DLC side dungeon?

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So a lot of what i visit Polygon for is the guides. So is Russ saying to stop visiting Polygon?

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