Feb 23Liked by The Besties

I don't wanna drag Juice too much, but I do think that he might not fully understand what's going on with Helldivers 2 servers. Thought i might provide some context as a game developer who has previously worked on an online live service ganme.

First, just because the game is published by Playstation doesn't mean that they got a shitload of money from them/funded the servers. They probably had a funding agreement of some sort, but its not a blank check. This game is cross platform which means they aren't using Playstations servers, they're likely using a cloud service like AWS. That gets super expensive and when you're launching a game you have to talk about capacity and peak users, the fact that they planned for 200k+ peak users when the peak of the first game was only 6k is already (in my opinion) quite ambitious (>30x higher than previous peak). If Sony is only subsidizing server costs, this is still an independent developer so any extra costs they have to put up are just putting the company more at risk.

Second, the engine they're working on is the same one they built previous games in, but it is a really bad game engine that was discontinued over 5 years ago due to how bad it was. Their engine choices are ultimately their choice so I know it can be hard to not fault them, but knowledge of an engine sometimes trumps usability of newer ones. That being said, they've stated that their backend code for server management/login wasn't scalable at that size and they are running into technical limits with the servers they're using, so there is a bit more to it than just "buy more servers/ increase a number from 200k to 1mil".

Sorry for going on a rant here. I know the point was ultimately about being pro-consumer, and I very much share that sentiment, but I've seen a lot of frustrating discourse around this game where people don't really understand the intricacies of the situation and/or just straight up have no sympathy for the dev team and fully fault them (not saying that's your opinion, Justin). I think they are truly "suffering from success" but are doing a fantastic job of patching the game and fixing up the experience so as many people can play as possible.

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Thank you for taking the time to share all of this extra info!

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Super nuanced response, thank you for posting this!

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While I think it’s very worthwhile to explain how the obstacles here are more complex than just “buy more server space,” at the end of the day it is a fundamental flaw that you cannot do anything with this game if you can’t get online and they are selling more copies of the game than they can accommodate people going online.

And for what it’s worth, not everybody is buying on Steam or a storefront that offers refunds. PlayStation doesn’t, as far as I know, and then there are legitimate, but still third party, sites that sell games which are redeemable on Steam (humble bundle, etc), and those won’t offer a refund once you’ve revealed your key.

In short, the game is designed in a way that you cannot play it, not even the tutorial or a private game or anything, without connecting online and they don’t have the capacity to take on more players (or at least they didn’t until this morning), but they’re still selling more copies, like an airline selling more tickets than they have seats on a flight, or a bank without enough cash in the vault.

I get that bank runs are rare and not everyone shows up for their flight and, in this case, not everyone tries to play the same game at the same time, but I do very much come down on Justin’s side here because of one simple reason: people bought a game with the expectation that they would be able to play it, and a ton of people (myself included) have not been able to for a lot of the time since they bought it. Despite all the technical difficulties and complexities you’ve outlined that the devs have to overcome, they sold and continue to sell a product that people don’t find out until after they buy it is not guaranteed to be playable.

It’s a great game. And the devs seem to have been very lucky/unlucky with this success and are very communicative with the community about what they’re doing to address it, and they’re just managing things so much better than so many other studios that have treated their customers like crap or left them in the dark. There are a lot of positive things to say about the game and the people who made it.

But I don’t think that how complicated the problem is excuses it, because it’s a problem of their own making and the only thing consumers are doing wrong is buying the thing, and they’re being punished for it with, in many cases, no recourse.

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I understand your view, but respectfully disagree.

You might also disagree with me if I say the game isn't broken, but I don't believe it is. It's frustrating how hard it is to get into a game and I feel that frustration, but if you get into the game you can play and have the experience as intended. The problem is not "no one can play" it is "only X number of people can play at the same time right now".

I'd be more inclined to agree with you if the game had been out for a month with no update or word from the developer or something, but it just released 2 weeks ago now. In that time, they're already up to patch 12, have over tripled the initial concurrent player number, and introduced an afk timer kick. All of these have done wonders to getting into the game and reducing queue times.

Also, I'm not sure we should hold developers accountable for the operating procedures of 3rd party sellers. I understand being annoyed that you can't return the game since it's sold on HumbleBundle or something like that, but the developer isn't responsible for the storefronts business decisions. I also don't think they should delist/stop selling the game. I might be misinterpreting what you're saying, but they're actively patching and working on the game, so it's not abandonware by any means and I think it would be a bit short-sighted to just say "we have server issues, we're working on it, but in the meantime no one else can buy the game". Sorry if that's not what you meant by that.

Again, I understand the frustration because I feel it too! I have a 4 year old and coordinating to play games with friends is hard, so when I get to it and I can't get into a game it's super maddening. I just think that a lot of frustration has been levied against the devs like they should have expected to go from having previous games have a smaller fan base to now having the smash multi-player hit of 2024, and I think it's misplaced.

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Yeah, I get where you’re coming from and I’m very skeptical of how entitled game consumers can be, too. We don’t get the games without the devs, after all, and I try to be mindful of that.

But to argue my/justin’s/the consumer’s side here, there’s kind of nothing more broken than just not being able to play the thing. I’m between 9 or 10 hours on Steam and I’ve played 4 or 5 missions, honestly less than 2 hours game time. And that’s a direct result of not only the unexpected popularity of the game, but the online-only requirement even to get to any kind of menu. Correct me if I’m wrong, but if I want to back out I need to bring up task manager, there isn’t even a cancel or exit.

All of that to say that while yes, the game isn’t broken *once you’re in it,* and again I’ve had a blast when I have played, if I’m at 20-25% of playtime actually being playtime, that’s… I dunno, it’s not “not broken” to me.

As for the storefronts issue, I’m not blaming the devs for that, but I am pointing out that Plante’s saying people can refund it if they want doesn’t apply to a lot of people, so for them there isn’t that option to soften the blow. I’d also remind you the same goes for the PlayStation store, probably the single most popular storefront for this title, which also happens to be operated by the game’s publisher, so it’s not like a fringe issue or the fault of the consumer for what retailer they choose - it’s the only console retailer for them.

And yeah, I guess I am kinda in favour of them delisting it or whatever you would call a sales pause. I’ve tried to play it midday and not gotten in, so in my own anecdotal experience I don’t think it’s only a problem on Friday and Saturday nights and otherwise anyone buying it can play it. I did see there was an increase to the server cap today and a new patch, and I am very happy to see that and not in a bitter, I’m-still-mad-at-them kind of way,

I just keep coming back to the problem being by design because of the way the online-only requirement is implemented here, and that is not something anyone else is at fault for. Like there is literally nothing you can do with this game if they’re full. Games like Overwatch and Apex have the offline training modes which function as private sandboxes that at least let you experience the gameplay. The fact that I had to wait in queue for the tutorial is mind boggling to me.

I know the above is a wall of text and I sound more antagonistic as I go, but I want to be clear - I am very happy for any smaller dev that makes a good game and it blows up and agree that if you get in, it’s a great game.

But being defensive of the challenges they’re facing or effusive of the gameplay experience ignores how objectively wrong it is that there are a lot of people out there who bought a game and just can’t play it, with no recourse available to them. And I don’t think it’s okay that that can happen to people, much less so that it’s something people are actively defending.

We’ve had a lot of discussion on the podcast in the last year about trends in the industry that are tangential to this, with No Man’s Sky or Cyberpunk releasing early and playing catch-up, which I’m not saying I think HD2 did at all, or even Baldur’s Gate 3 releasing fairly buggy and with an underwhelming epilogue and then really fleshing things out months down the line. Yea, with digital releases and the growing complexities of games, they are becoming much less expected to launch flawlessly and we are growing more accepting of rough launches with redemption arcs - this isn’t exactly that, it’s a great game that’s online-only with only so much online capacity - but it reminds me of Justin talking in the CP2077 episode last fall about what the landscape will be like for publishing games that can be endlessly patched and supported, and will we get used to forgiving incomplete/flawed game launches, and *while I cannot stress enough how I don’t think Arrowhead is a bad actor here*, I can feel myself getting more skeptical of what we as consumers get used to being offered.

I definitely feel like I picked up steam on this issue as I typed, so forgive the length, but basically I do just think no it’s not okay people can buy a game and not get to play it, and even if the people who made it seem like good folks, there can be levels of “not okay” where HD2 not being The Day Before still doesn’t give it a free pass from critiquing the issues it’s having.

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I’d say that in most cases the pro-consumer stance is the correct one, especially with how we’ve seen some developers just completely ignore their player base. In this one specific case, I think it’s excusable simply because the Dev team has been one of the most understanding and hard working teams I’ve seen in a VERY long time. The CEO was even telling folks they shouldn’t buy the game till they got the server issue fixed (a little over two weeks since release now and for the most part it is fixed now). They were openly apologetic, totally understanding and even encouraging people to get refunds until they got the issues worked out. I get the frustration, and people SHOULD have their time respected, but I do think for the first time in a long time we have a really good example of how a company should handle a rocky game launch in the live service space. Source: @pilestedt on twitter

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Feb 23·edited Feb 23

All agreed on this. The devs actually just managed to increase the concurrent user count by 250k about 24 hours ago, and getting in last night was MUCH faster and easier.

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Feb 23Liked by The Besties

I know that the McElroy brothers do weekly stream, I am wondering if we'll ever see the Besties do some gaming streams? (Even if it's behind the patreon)

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What I wouldn’t give for another awful squad reunion

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Feb 23Liked by The Besties

I am BEGGING you all to play Balatro. It is genuinely one of the best roguelite deck builders, and it might even be better than Monster Train and Slay the Spire. This one is going to make Justin feral.

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Don't worry, you'll hear us talking about it very soon!

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I too came here to say this! Glad to hear it sounds like we'll be getting some Besties-Balatro content soon!

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Hahaha exactly what I am here to say. I hope Justin is devouring this game!

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LOL I also came here to comment this

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I did not see that there was already a comment about this! So glad that others are supporting this fantastic game, I'm so glad to have found it early.

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It’s so funny that, “indie game that comes out of nowhere and blows up everything and basically forces the Besties to talk about it” is a thing that’s happened twice in the past 3 weeks.

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Feb 23Liked by The Besties

I don't get it, aren't games just Pac-man?

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I think you're over complicating things, whereas I think all games are just prettier versions of PONG.

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Feb 23Liked by The Besties

Every so often when you're introducing yourself I am forcefully reminded that you used to cover 4 different games every episode and that is even more so when you talk about how wild it is that so many games are coming out that you keep discussing 2 lately. I'm so glad you aren't forcing yourself through that old format any more, much as I love those episodes!

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Your eps always release RIGHT when I'm about to get in the shower on Friday mornings, it's such a treat and makes me feel like I'm probably among the first to listen every week lol

I mentioned this in the comments on Spotify, but PLEASE check out Balatro for a main episode. It feels like a Besties game, through and through. It's a poker-based roguelike with a lot of complexity that really reminds me of stuff like Inscryption and Shotgun King. I can't put it down, I have "Tetris brain" with it where the music just plays in my head when I'm not playing it and I'm thinking of fun new strategies and synergies that I want to try out constantly. It came out like three days ago and I've already dumped a dozen+ hours into it. GOTY contender, already.

I'll be subbing to the Patreon later today, I'm stoked to support you boys! Keep on chooglin'!

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... there are comments on the spotify app??

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Yeah, there is a "What did you think of this episode?" text box. Not sure how long it's been there, but I don't think it's been too long. My first time using it was today, so that has to mean something.

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Feb 23Liked by The Besties

I’m the same, about 12 hrs in and it’s just phenomenal. The amount of content is nuts, I feel like I still have 150 jokers to unlock

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I think I hit like 70 discovered last night? I got my first legendary at least. It's so DENSE and I keep discovering new things (like how Jokers that help three-of-a-kind also help full houses? Of course they do! Duh!)

Also, it took me an embarrassingly long time to realize/remember that aces can be high or low - I cringe to think of how many low straights I could have had that might have saved runs or turns.

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(Also Plante - my partner overheard the cold open about the Christmas tree and now thinks you're an insane person)

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Feb 25Liked by The Besties

Great episode this week! For future FF7 Rebirth discussions (like the hypothetical one next week through Chapter 5 discussed at the end of the episode), please remember that most of us aren't playing it until the 29th! I plan on playing it *right* after it comes out, but even then, I don't know how many chapters in I'm going to get before next Friday. I don't have a problem with broad, sweeping discussions like the ones in this week's episode, but anything that even smells like Spoilersville would bum me out unless there's a clear warning up front. (For anyone who's curious, Spoilersville smells like Mako)

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Feb 24Liked by The Besties

Two things about Helldivers: (1) They increased the supposed server cap to 700,000 and also started AFK kicking people. This is in the past two days. I haven't had any more issues, but there is still probably some turbulence. (2) The premium Warbond passes do not need to be purchased with real money. They cost "super credits" which can also be found in missions and are on the basic pass. Buying credits with real money is just faster.

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Feb 23Liked by The Besties

Someone already beat me to it but I subscribed to the newsletter just to comment that ya’ll should check out Balatro! This is one of those games that within the first thirty minutes I knew I was gonna have it in my rotation for the rest of the year. If anyone hasn’t seen it yet be sure to check it out!

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Feb 24Liked by The Besties

On the topic of best 1st level in a video game: I LOVE Megaman X's opening stage! Starting out you have iconic music, you have a jump and shoot button. After putzing around with mechanical troubleshooting, you quickly learn you can charge your blaster and WALL JUMP. AND THEN RIDE A CAR TO FINISH LINE?! I can't imagine a better game to begin learning 2D platforming.

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Feb 24Liked by The Besties

Hey gang, just wondering if you've heard of / had a chance to check out the film Hundreds of Beavers. Probably the closest I've seen a film get to video games, outside of video game movies. Tons of influence from Keaton/Chaplin but also Mario's platforming / Zelda's adventure and shopkeeping. Reckon you'd dig it!

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From Plante: I adore this movie! I had to check out a stream during a digital film fest a few months back, but desperately want to see it in theaters. I wrote up a blurb that will be appearing on Polygon in the next week or so! So glad you were able to see it and completely agree on the mix of silent films and video games.

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Feb 24Liked by The Besties

Our Christmas tree is still up! We call it a Winter Tree and usually don't take it down for a long while after December. This particular tree we cut from our property (early December) and it is juuuust starting to turn some of its needles not-green: https://imgur.com/a/AlYX0xJ

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Feb 24Liked by The Besties

I haven’t read the comments but just an FYI for Helldivers 2, you get enough currency from the free pass to buy the premium pass. You can also get premium currency from missions.

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Feb 24Liked by The Besties

Our Xmas tree is rarely removed before March. I’m hoping we’ll be able to remove it before April this year

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Fight the good fight!

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Feb 23Liked by The Besties

PSA about the Helldivers 2 premium battle pass: you can eventually unlock this without spending any real world money — it costs 1,000 “super credits”, but if you unlock the full free battle pass you will have earned 950 super credits, and you also periodically find super credits at “points of interest” while

playing the game.

I think I had earned enough super credits from points of interests so that I was able to get the premium battle pass when I was at around page 6 or 7 of the free battle pass.

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Feb 23Liked by The Besties

Helldivers 2 had me laughing until there were tears in my eyes. It been a long drought for my friend group for snappy games that have a sense of humor, and our thirst has been quenched with the sweet sweet taste of Libertea.

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